Find your local Yushin Support, Sales, or Service Expert

  1. Click on a target geo marker on the map and you will find your local Yushin Support, Sales or Service. Their contact information will pop up or appear in the listing below.
  2. You can view map on full screen by clicking on the “Toggle full-screen” icon on the top right of the map.
  3. To Get Directions, enter your current location/address below and you will be on your way to meet your Yushin Expert.
  4. You can also search the location or name of a Yushin Representative in the table data below the map.

Optional – Add Waypoint is a marker for a point of interest along a route. There are other route options available under show options.

To find out more information about your Yushin Expert, please contact, (401) 463-1800.


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