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PLASTIMAGEN® MEXICO is the biggest international exhibition for the plastics processing industry in Mexico and Latin America. This event brings together the entire production chain with top suppliers to meet the needs of various industries.

Yushin America Mexico Division will be exhibiting in Booth 830 and Booth 138 at Plastimagen 2025

We are excited to be exhibiting at Plastimagen 2025!

Our knowledgeable staff is well-versed in robotic automation in the plastics industry, and we are excited to showcase our new products at the show!

Come check out what we have in store for you when you visit our Booth 830:

Robot Toy Assembly System

In this cell, we will utilize a YD2-3550S-19-13 Yushin robot mounted on an Arburg molding machine. This robot will take out the finished toy parts from the secondary mold. Additionally, a SD-H-1025S-15-9 Yushin robot with an A/C servo wrist will assist in assembling the molded toy pieces together.

Come check out what we have in store for you when you visit our Booth 138:

Kendama Toy demo

At this booth, the SD-H-1025S-17-12 Yushin robot, equipped with an A/C servo wrist, will be programmed to play with the Kendama Toy, a traditional Japanese game. Come by and watch as our Yushin robot skillfully demonstrates its precision and accuracy while playing the Kendama. You can even test your own Kendama skills against the Yushin robot!

If you would like to schedule a meeting with one of our Automation experts at the show, please contact us at info@yushinmexico.com.mx.

You may also reach out to our  Sales Engineer, Juan Manuel Diaz at jdiaz@yushinmexico.com.mx +52 (477) 249-0979, OR reach out to our Mexico Sales Manager, Vincent Bocanegra at vbocanegra@yushin.com +1 (951) 702 3735

Yushin America – Mexico Division will also be around the show floor partnering with Akopet Industries at their booth (2730), showcasing 2 robots SD-H-1025S-15-9 both performing a simple pick&place of tupper container parts. A 170 Ton machine will be molding the container itself (one cavity) and the other one (120 Ton) will be molding on cavity of the cap. Each machine will have a MC-30-5 Yushin conveyor.

We will also be partnering with LK IMM at their booth (3414) showcasing 2 robots SD-H-2535S-19-14 and 1 HOP Five 750X equipped with 2 vac circuits and an EOAT. They will be molding Glasses for Coffee and their caps (kind of the Starbucks one). A 320 Ton machine will be molding 2 cavities of the external part of the glass, which will need a gate cut, performed by our robot. A 200 Ton machine will be molding 2 cavities of the internal part of the glass (simple pick & place). And a 110 Ton machine will be molding 2 cavities of the glass cap, which will be taken out the mold by our Hop Five. The 2 biggest machines will have a MC-20-4 Yushin conveyor, each.

If you would like to schedule a meeting with one of our Automation experts at the show, please contact us at info@yushinmexico.com.mx.

You may also reach out to our  Sales Engineer, Juan Manuel Diaz at jdiaz@yushinmexico.com.mx +52 (477) 249-0979, OR reach out to our Mexico Sales Manager, Vincent Bocanegra at vbocanegra@yushin.com +1 (951) 702 3735

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