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Yushin America will be exhibiting at the Molding Conference 2023 event in table booth #3 . Yushin America will be exhibiting in a 10×10 tabletop linear exhibit. Come stop by and learn about what Yushin can do to help with your automation needs.

Have a question about robotics and automating your projects? We will have a Yushin representative ready to answer your questions on the show floor. If you would like to schedule a meeting with one of our representatives, book an appointment with us by sending us your contact information, time and date through Salesinfo@yushin.com. We will confirm meeting times ahead of time before the event.

Chris Parrillo will also be speaking at the conference on the topic:

Choosing the right projects to automate

Tuesday, August 30 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Check out other session topics at the conference here

Connecting Leaders in Injection Molding​

Molding 2023’s educational conference and exhibits are where industry leaders meet and discuss the latest developments in various molding processes, equipment, materials and management techniques, with special emphasis on adding value to your business. This conference is widely recognized as the most important forum for technical information and business conditions ​in injection molding.


Our Guests can receive 20% off the registration fee if you enter the code SPEAK20.

Hotel & Travel Information

Come Visit YUSHIN AMERICA booth on Table #3! 

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