Yushin America is launching a new Error Notification module for the YC/YCII series robots to notify their customers of Alarms via email.

This new functionality will  notify  customers of Robot Alarms while robot is in lights out operation. #Errornotification #YAIYCerrornotification


When something goes wrong and nobody is around, wouldn’t it be nice to get an email notification letting you know an error has occurred?  YUSHIN AMERICA is helping to eradicate the guessing game and help notify  customers  anytime error  occurs. The new YC automatic error email notification module  can be installed on the YC or YCII robot, new or existing retrofit.  Users can customize up to 8 different programmable error notifications for different occurrences. Error instances may include: General error message, Take-out, Part release,  or downstream errors. You can assign errors to particular input states such as the ‘E-stop’, ‘Take out fail’, ‘Inserts Empty’ or ‘Conveyor Full’. The error does not necessarily stop the robot from operation; the user can dictate what the robot and IMM should do when an error occurs. The module is connected to the company network where the robot resides.


Remote notification is received on windows platform or any mobile device. No need to be near the robot when error occurs. You can direct email notifications to anyone in the company.


The Error notification module is available now.  Contact Salesinfo@yushin.com for more info.