Rhode Island-based business newspaper Providence Business Weekly recently reported on factory automation’s role in the regrowth of manufacturing in R.I. and around the U.S.
Paradoxically, automation has been hailed as improving the productivity and competitiveness of American manufacturing, while also being blamed for hastening the loss of low-skilled, blue collar jobs. But R.I. manufacturing leaders agree that rather than a necessary evil, automation applied with skill can keep factories from offshoring and even regrow the local manufacturing base. We, at Yushin America, could not agree more as we have been advocates for the positive potential of automation since opening our doors in 1988.
Overall, the article provides a local, Rhode Island angle on the global issue of offshoring vs. reshoring and how American manufacturing can leverage high technology to better compete in the world market.
The full version of the article can be found at the following link: http://pbn.com/Automation-seen-boosting-production,92646?
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